Research Publications:  Absolute shielding scales


Patricia M. Burrell
Angel C. de Dios
    Georgetown University
Jila Honarbakhsh-Boal
A. Keith Jameson
Joan Mason, MBE
Daulat H. Oppusunggu

44. 19F nuclear shielding scale from gas phase studies, C. J. Jameson, A. K. Jameson, and P. M. Burrell, J. Chem. Phys. 73, 6013-6020 (1980).
45. Nitrogen nuclear magnetic shielding scale from gas phase studies, C. J. Jameson, A. K. Jameson, D. Oppusunggu, S. Wille, P. M. Burrell, and J. Mason, J. Chem. Phys. 74, 81-88 (1981).
63. 19F nuclear magnetic shielding scale from gas phase studies II, C. J. Jameson, A. K. Jameson and J. Honarbakhsh, J. Chem. Phys. 81, 5266-5267, (1984).
87. Concurrent 19F and 77Se or 19F and 125Te NMR T1 measurements for determination of 77Se and 125Te absolute shielding scales, C. J. Jameson, A. K. Jameson, Chem. Phys. Lett. 135, 254-259 (1987).
88. Gas phase 13C chemical shifts in te zero-pressure limit. Refinements to the absolute shielding scale for 13C, A. K. Jameson, C. J. Jameson, Chem. Phys. Lett. 134, 461-466 (1987).
97. Absolute shielding scale for 29Si, C. J. Jameson and A. K. Jameson, Chem. Phys. Lett. 149, 300-305 (1988).
138. Chemical shift scales on an absolute basis, C. J. Jameson, Encyclopedia of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Vol. 2, pp. 1273-1281 (1996), D. M. Grant and R. K. Harris, eds., John Wiley, London.
204. Chemical shift scales on an absolute basis, C. J. Jameson, Encyclopedia of Magnetic Resonance, eds-in-chief R. K. Harris and R. E. Wasylishen, John Wiley: Chichester. DOI: 10.1002/9780470034590.emrstm0072.pub2. Published online 15 March 2011.

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